Saturday, March 26, 2016

mourning period

if only my mourning could just last a morning
bright the sun like a splash of blood on cotton pants
with tear-blurred edges I see it softened
as it sears salt wounds within my chest

Thursday, March 24, 2016

I realize how much
I love the city when
in bouts of nighttime
music it
gives me inspiration
my sneakers against
subway tile
thudding I emit a fuck
before I realize my train
is pulling in not 
pulling out a bobbing
head a black shirt hug
the joy of seeing someone
you did not expect
to tunes that make
me laugh in their
cleverness the joy
of shooting across a 
bridge in a city
of lights

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I watch you from afar
leant against a wall or staring down intently
and revel in the power I have
to approach you
to draw brightness to your pupils
to make words rise to your lips
soft and foamy
like champagne bath bubbles
I feel your palms encircle me
and we press against a wall together
and stare intently
(as if to read each other,
as if to soak each other in)

Monday, March 14, 2016


I want it to be known,

your stomach carved from marble under window 
light, your body in a doorframe with

expectant eyes, like stained glass 
behind pains there are flickers, jolts of falling 

sleep, your visible pulse, the curve of an inner thigh 
like a wind washed shell, I wait to be robbed of all remains.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


for the way the curve of your
stomach looks when light cuts 
across it from your window
like marble

the joy of your body in a doorframe
with waiting eyes

stained windows
lighting the candles
behind stained
window eyes

your jolting manner of falling 
asleep in jagged
spurts your visible
pulse the curve of
an inner thigh like a wind 
washed shell

wanting to stay in a state of perpetual
motion to nowhere in particular

staring with abandon your eyes closed

staring with abandon your eyes open

the box under my bed
bursting with time
will give up, wither